Home Blog tips Google ranking factors

Google ranking factors

Google ranking factors

Everyone are trying to get their web pages to appear on the first page of Google search. Reverence is the key signal that Google considers for rankings. Some of the Google ranking factors are discussed in this article. Hope it will helpful to you.

Google ranking factors:


Domain age:

Domain age is one of the factors which may effect on Google search ranking to your content. If  domain age is more, which give a good signal to google page indexing.

Domain keywords:

Domain keywords which you selected should be related to your website content. Keyword placement in your domain also effect. For example, if you are writing content related to tech news, your domain first word should target the tech news related keywords.

Domain registration time length:

Which is also cause-effect for your blog or website ranking in Google search engine.

Exact domain match is one of the influencing factors if your website consists of great content. Google will reduce low-content ‘Exact- match’ domains in search results.


Keywords in title tag:

The page title keywords are also the strongest factor and if the title tag starts with targeting keywords which affect Google page rankings.

Keywords appeared in the H1 tag:

Simply it acts as the second title tag. This is also a relevance signal for google page ranking. Using targeted keyword in the description of your post may affect your page’s rank in the google search results.

Content length:

Your content related to the topic should be as more as possible. Content with more words and it should contain enough keyword density.

Duplicate content:

Identical content on the same website or slightly changed content can negatively influence your site from google search engine visibility.

Page loading speed:

Website loading also one of the factor which strongly affect your web page rank from Google search engine. So please select good hosting server for your website which makes good uptime for your website.

Grammar and spelling:

While writing content always try to avoid Grammar and spelling  mistakes and try to give great content best of your knowledge.


Images, videos, and other multimedia act as a content quality signal. Try to use good multimedia elements to make effective web pages.

Use SEO optimized media to your website. It will boost search rankings. Use file name, alternate name, title, caption, and description for images. 

Broken links:

Try to avoid broken links in your web pages. If your pages have too many broken links it will decrease your web page from google search engine rankings.

Keyword in URL:

It is an important relevancy signal.

References and sources:

Making references and sources to your content will act as a good sign for quality content.

Bullets and number lists:

Using bullets and number lists in your web pages helps to make your web page more user-friendly.

Priority of page in site map:

Priority of page in the site map.XML file may influence ranking.

Page Age:

Always google prefer fresh content. Make your content up to date regularly if possible.

Website layout:

It is also one of the major factors which influence your page rank.so try to make a user-friendly layout design for your blog.


Content is king:

Even if you don’t follow the above steps. But, your website having a good content. No one will stop you if you have powerful content.

Contact Us:

Always people prefer trusted website try to keep contact us page which helps users trust your website.it will helpful for your users contact you if they have any suggestions and problems.

Site Updates:

It is a site level freshness factor. How often a site is updated that means a new content is added is also a good factor which google is taking into account.

Presence of sitemap:

Sitemaps help search engines index your pages very easily.

Site Uptime:

We may not sure that people viewing your website have more patience to words website loading. If your website load fast. There may be a decrease in your website bounce rate. So try to keep good hosting service for your website must take very less time to load your website.

Server location:

Server location also influences your site ranks in different geographical regions.

Privacy policy and Disclaimer:

Google estimates your site is a trusted member of the internet based on  Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages on your home page.

Mobile friendly:

In most of the time, traffic to a website may come from mobile users. So make your website to be responsive to the mobile environment.

YouTube videos:

Youtube videos may give you good traffic from the search engines so try to keep the good quality video on your website.

Google analytics and google webmaster tools:

Analyse site’s performance using Google analytics. Notice security , indexing issues, crawl errors using webmaster tools. 


Linking domain Age:

Backlinks from aged domains may be more powerful than new domains.

Number of linking pages:

The total number of linking pages is also a ranking factor.

Authority of linking Pages:

The page rank of the referring page is an important ranking factor.

Social shares of referring Page:

The amount of page-level social shares can definitely affect yours Google page ranking.

Apart from this, there are so many factors which will effect google page ranking like user’s interactions and where you are getting more organic traffic from a specific keyword, direct traffic, indirect traffic, repeat traffic, and comments. If your posts consist of more comments means people and interacting with your content. This is a good mark from google ranking.

Likes and twits in pages may influence google page ranking along with this Facebook likes and shares also a good sign because they are more similar to the backlinks for your website. social signal relevancy information from the account sharing content and the text surrounding the link.

Along with this, a brand signals like brand name anchor text, branded searches, the site having Facebook Page and Likes, the site having twitter profile with followers and official linked in pages may help to better rank your website.