Home Blog tips Ultimate tips to increase Alexa ranking of your website/blog.

Ultimate tips to increase Alexa ranking of your website/blog.


The search engine Giant Google not updating page Rank from past few months. page rank data removed from webmaster tools. So the only matrix to measure the website authority is Alexa rank after Moz rank.Before going to killer tips to increase Alexa ranking. You should know some basics about Alexa rankings.

what is the Alexa rank?

Alexa Is a blog authority rank estimated by an amazon’s company Alexa Internet, INC using web traffic data and analytics. Similar to google page rank and Moz rank, it is also one of the best tools to estimate the website performance and standards.

Alexa Rank is a single metric that provides a” quick summary of a site’s performance relative to all other sites on the web”.

Why is the Alexa rank impotent?

From past few years, the Alexa rank became more popular and gained more value in the web analytics.

Popularity: if your website gets less Alexa rank, you may have noticed by your users and your competitions.

Backlinks: In other ways, it helps to bring natural backlinks from other users because less the Alexa rank for a website means more the authority.

Earnings: Many advertisers (except Google AdSense) uses the is Alexa rank as a measurement to compete. So try to get low Alexa rank to get paid high from the advertisers.

In an indirect way, it can reduce bounce rate of your blog/website. If you blog contains better Alexa rank, it brings trust from your user. They may feel your website is more popular and they spend more time when compared to your competitor’s website.

How the Alexa rank gets calculated?

Alexa ranks the website based on the web traffic you get. Not all traffic, only the traffic for the users who have Alexa toolbar installed on their browsers. Alexa calculates the average daily visitors and pageviews to every site.

The highest combinations of visitors and page views are ranked high. Simply Alexa rank is a is an estimate of how popular your site relative to all other sites.

This rank updated daily.

How to increase Alexa ranking?

boost Alexa Ranking1. Claim your website: first, sign up for the alexa.com and submit your site there. Add the verification tag (choose any one method of verification) to your website. Finally, verify your website with Alexa.com

2. Install Alexa toolbar: if the visitors to your blog installed this Alexa toolbar to their chrome browser, then your website ranked better way. But it is not under your control. Generally, You are spending more time on your website, so install toolbar it to increase Alexa ranking.

Add Alexa Toolbar to your browser3. Add Alexa widget to your website: you can notice the significant improvement of your Alex rank after installing Alexa rank widget to your website. Add this widget to your sidebar or in the footer area because it gets served all pages in your website.

  • Install Alexa rank widget to your blog.Add alexa widget to your website sidebar or footerAlexa widgetGo to widgets area in your dashboard. Drag the Alexa widget to the sidebar. Chang your website name to your website.
  • Click on save. That’s all your Alexa widget added to your website successfully.

4. Write Unique and useful content: writing quality content will help you to improve website traffic. Google loves the original and fresh content if your content is good. You can get more organic traffic.

More organic traffic results, more time on your website. This helps to boost your ranking. If users found useful, there may be more chances to link and share your content.

5. Write content regularly, more often: personally, I observed the boost in my Alexa rank when I used to write content regularly. A royal visitor to your blog expects new content in your blog, don’t disappoint them. Try to write often, as best as you can. Write at least 3-5 articles weekly.

6. Keep updating your blog: Update your blog posts to bring royal visitors (returning visitors). This helps to improve your view count of your post. Add new content and remove dead links and remove old (not useful) content from your blog. There may be the chance you’re returning visitors more likely to share your content across the social networks.

There may be the chance your’s returning visitors more likely to share your content across the social networks.

7. Share content in the social media: social media helps to bring a massive amount of traffic to your blog. Build the communities where the people are interested in your topic and share content on it. Because most of the same platform users may use Alexa toolbar, so it helps to boost your rankings.

share content on social media
8. Optimize your website for SEO: using best practices of SEO brings more organic traffic to your niche blog. Because they are searching for particular keywords or topic. Which results in the boost in ranking because you are getting more traffic.

see more: How to add SEO optimized media to your website?

9. Add media to your website: adding related media like images and videos in your blog to reduce bounce rate. sharing those related images in the social media gives better user engagement with your content.

10. Build backlinks: write awesome content that is only the way to get natural backlinks. This is one of the important matrices that Alexa use to estimate your site authority. Write a guest post on your competitor’s blog to get a powerful backlink from your niche.If you get some backlinks from high authority sites, it helps to increase Alexa ranking greatly. 

see more:

Question: Have you found any other matrices that Alexa used to judge your blog? Do you observe any improvement in the ranking after following above tips?

If you focus on the content to building trust and brand to your content than, your Alexa should automatically boost up. increase site speed which gives better user experience. Hope above all tips helps you to increase Alexa rank of your website/blog.

If you found this article is helpful to boost/ increase Alexa ranking share with your friends. Thank you. 


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