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How to earn money from blogging?

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If you want to earn money from online, blogging is one of the ways, when you truly committed to writing great content in your blog. This strategy will work good for the people who have a good number of audience for their blog, but it will take some time to earn money for others, who just started blogging.one thing we need to test continuously, which earning strategy is best suitable for the audience to your blog.

Advertising Program:

So many advertising programs are available for bloggers to join. Among them, one of the most popular advertising programs is Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers to put ads on their website to serve automatic text, images, videos and other media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience. These advertisements are maintained by google and they can generate revenue on a per-click or per-impressions basics.

How to earn money from blogging?

Apart from this google AdSense, there are so many advertising programs available. We are giving some of them. Before going through this Advertising programs once analyze and research those programs which are best suitable for you.

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If your blog having more traffic from U.S and U.K, you can easily earn high CPM using Infolinks. It is simple to set up the Infolinks advertising program, once set up is done Infolinks automatically start showing ads on your blog. 

Infolinks minimum payout is $50 and it pays through PayPal. Infolinks are easily customizable, from Infolinks option panel, you can configure color, the number of ads, and various other options.



RevenueHits helps publishers to generate more revenue with a state of art Contextual & Geographical targeted Ad serving network. RevenueHits helps to place text and display ads in publisher’s’ website that promotes performance based offers. Minimum payout by RevenueHits is $50 and they pay through PayPal, Wire or Payoneer.ayboll


Ayboll pays per click, but not for all clicks. They will check user behavior after the click was made. They pay only for unique, high-quality clicks. Ayboll pays their publishers 50% of all revenue earned from Advertisers. The minimum payout is $100. It will take nearly 2 months of time to get paid from Ayboll.



The Adversal CPM Ad Network is the most popular and effective alternative to AdSense. A fairly large ad network and cultivating diverse offering of ad types since their launch in 2003.

They pay based on the impressions is determined by various factors, such as the type of ad you use, the location of your traffic and effectiveness of your site. The minimum payout is $20 and pays after 35 days after your earning reaches threshold value.



Unlike other ad networks, getting approved by BuySellAds account is not an easy task. To get approved for this advertising program, you need to have a quality website with good design. BuySellads is an advertising network where publishers can list their sites. 

If any advertisers like your website for their product advertisement they directly buy your ad space. Once publisher accepts the ads, advertisers are showing ads on your site and money will be credited into your BuySellAds account. Simply it is a mediator which takes nearly 25% of your earning to maintain. The payments are done through PayPal account.



Chitika is a display advertising network that primarily aims to provide advertisements that are relevant to the content.it is one of the best alternatives to AdSense. Especially if your blog with less traffic Chitika is one of the best ad networks which will show quality relevant ad. 

If your blog has the sizable amount of audience, you can expect great income from Chitika. Minimum payout is $10 by PayPal or $50 by check. You can use Chitika along with google AdSense.



VegLink works in a very different way than other blog monetization programs.it converts normal outgoing links into affiliate links, and if users make a purchase, you earn a referral commission from it.

If you already affiliate links on your website, VigLinks does not change those Links. You need to add a line of script code to your site. Payments are done through PayPal.



It is quite difficult to approve by skimlinks there are some rules to approved by skimlinks. To approved your website from skimlinks your website must be at least 1-year-old and must have the decent amount of organic traffic from search engines.

Skmlinks are similar to VegLinks, it works by converting the affiliate links that you have in your content into another affiliate link that will immediately make your money the moment a visitor clicks on it. You are not only for a sale that is through your special affiliate link but by clicks that your links generate.



Media.net is a contextual ad network, which means that all advertisements based on the context of the page. Simply if your blog about books, then your audience will see ads on your blog about books or related to books. 

Media.net is powered by Yahoo! and Bing, and you will see high quality and high paying ads through Media.net. you can create multiple ad units using Media.net ad configure panel. The minimum payout threshold is $100. Media.net supports Payment via PayPal or Wire- transfer.



ADEnagage is an online advertising network that allows advertisers to buy, and publishers/websites owners to sell advertising space on their sites. Adengage publishers have access to both CPC and CPM ads.

 It’s easy for ADEngage advertisers to deliver best ads based on site content. Publishers have access to banners, popups, direct links and mobile redirects. The minimum payout is $50 through PayPal and it allows Wired Transfer.

Affiliate programs:

There are different e-commerce or companies which offer publishers to earn money, through promoting their products and services on the websites. They will pay some amount of money (commission) to publishers. if anyone buy products using ads displayed on their websites or purchased product or service using Affiliate Id.

There are a large number of affiliate marketing programs are available in the online. Try to choose the best program based on your audience interest. E-commerce, product and service based companies and some hosting providers good commission through these affiliate programs. To get success from this method you don’t compromise to produce great content on your website to attract more audience.

Flipkart affiliate program:

Flipkart Affiliate program

Flipkart is one of the best affiliate programs which offers commission up to 20% based on the products purchased using affiliate links or banners which are displayed on your website. The commissions are approved at the time of product purchased using this links, but payment approve will take nearly two months of time to get paid. The minimum payout amount is Rs 1000.

Amazon affiliate program:

amazon affiliate program

Amazon is one of the world’s biggest marketplace apart from this so many bloggers and big companies use amazon to sell their products. This amazon affiliate program pays up to 15% of the commission amount depending on what kind of sale done through product advertising on your website.

Shine Ads :


ShineAds is one of the affiliate programs which pay money for publishers based on pay per visit basis. They pay for every visit of the traffic and payment will depend on the country of the visitor. payments will vary from country to country. The minimum payout is $50 and having PayPal, Wire payment methods.

EBay partner network:

ebay affiliate network

eBay offers one of the most lucrative online affiliate business opportunities with millions of the products. Many people earning money through this affiliate program. Earning vary by the product category of the items sold, by the frequency of the customers, and by program country.

Sell ad space on your website to advertisers:

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If your blog contains a large number of audience, then you can make money by selling ad space to the advertisers to place ads on your blog. This process of earning is quite difficult for a blogger to earn money through this process.

Advertisers buy ad space only if your blog contain some thousands of visitors daily.

Especially from online blogging. Among all Google AdSense,  is the better on even it has more restrictions from websites. Coming to AdSence alternatives affiliate programs are good for bloggers who have less audience at the initial stage of blogging.

Note: all the information provided in the above is best of our knowledge. Once going through those programs please check, research and analyze those programs before going through proceeding.


  1. Rakesh, Thanks for sharing this info.
    But I think Infolinks shouldn't be on top. Because they display only Facebook Ads on webpages. ONLY facebook! & from visitors POV, its very irritating.

    I'll surely try out other ad networks & inform you about it.
    Media.net is not for Indian bloggers simply because its tougher than Adsense. First off all it takes about a month for reviewing application & is very strict too.
    I submitted TechBuzzIn 3 times to Media.net & they just rejected it.
    Do tell me your opinion too.
    PS: Are you experimenting with designs? I saw a different colour menu & logo when I checked your site in the morning!

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