Home Blog tips What is blogging? Some frequently used terms about blogging.

What is blogging? Some frequently used terms about blogging.


A beginner needs to know what blogging is all about. Here are short explanations of some frequently used terms about blogging.


You can explain the term ‘blog’ in many ways. Simply put, blog is a shortened term for web log. In a blog, items are posted on a regular basis in reverse chronological order.

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What Are The Different Types Of Blogs?

* Personal blogs – These are the most popular ones. Personal blogs contain an on-going personal commentary by an individual on his favorite topics. The topics can any from be among countless subjects, for example, travel, music, relationships, philosophy and health to name a few. Blogging in popular themes usually get the most attention.

* Corporate blogs – Blogging for corporate purposes is assuming considerable importance. Corporate use blogs to create brand image, to communicate with prospective clients and to enhance its business potential.

* Media blogs – Media blogs have different names. A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, a site containing a selection of sketches is a sketch log and one comprising links is called a linklog.

* By device – Blogs are also categorized by the types of devices that are used to compose it. For example, a blog written by a mobile device is a moblog.

* By genre – Some blogs focus entirely on one subject, such as fine arts blog, travel blog, health blog, fashion blog or political blog.


A blog is a marvellous tool to archive your articles on site. Blogging lets you archive in numerous ways. You can post a calendar on the side bar displaying the dates on which articles have been posted. On the other hand, you can archive the articles by category. You can even design your blog to search for articles by subjects or authors. The possibilities are endless. This makes blogging what it is. Lots of creative fun.


A blogroll is usually an integral part of blogging. It is a list of categorised links to other websites, which are of interest to the author of the blog. The blogroll is usually displayed as a sidebar on the home page of the author’s blog. Bloggroll helps you to easily search content through the subject or author category.


A feed is a feature that allows you to access a new site automatically while looking for new content. It is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. Blogging may need feeds to update information from different links and post them in other websites.


Syndication, also called web syndication is a common feature of blogging. It is a form of syndication where a section of a website is made available to other sites to use. Updating news and forum posts is a good example of web feeds.
Blogging is creative, useful, and great fun when you get to know the basics of it.

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